
Return conditions

You can register your return within 30 days after you receive the product. Officially you must do this within 14 days of receipt, but with us you have 30 days to return your product. To receive a full refund, it is important to return your product in its original condition and undamaged. So take a good look at the received product after receipt.

Has the 30 day return period expired? Then you can no longer use our returns policy.

What should you do before returning a product?

If you want to return a product, all personal data must be removed from the device. If your personal information is still on the device upon receipt of the return, we cannot accept or sell it. For this reason, we ask you to complete the following steps:

  • If necessary, make a backup (software).
  • Restore the product to factory settings.
  • Sign out of iCloud (Apple).
  • Disable Find my iPhone (Apple).
  • If possible, pack in product packaging (not mandatory).
  • Send the product well packaged in a sturdy box.